Can books help you mindfully tackle anxiety?
The short answer is yes, so take a couple of deep breaths, recline and read on.
“Mindfulness” may be the newest mental health buzzword, but the principles behind it have made a difference when I’m in the throes of high-anxiety. Instead of trying to avoid my thoughts, I now sit with them in non-judgement. I occasionally fall into old patterns, but it's given me a little space between myself and my so-called scary thoughts.
The brilliance of adopting mindfulness techniques is that you don’t need to go on an expensive retreat to learn them. You can simply refer to the growing body of books written to help you cope with your anxiety in a mindful way.
Here’s a list of innovative books for tackling anxiety:
You Are Not a Rock: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Mental Health (for Humans)by Mark Freeman
Who knew a mental health book drawn with stick figures for diagrams could be just as humorous as it is helpful? As someone who has suffered from mental health issues, Freeman has a knack for helping people rethink how they react to anxious thoughts. His book explores various techniques to aid recovery, including self-compassion and mindfulness.
The Mindful Way through Anxiety: Break Free from Chronic Worry and Reclaim Your Lifeby Susan M. Orsillo, PhD and Lizabeth Roemer, PhD
Using clinically-tested techniques, this detailed book, written by two psychologists, highlights the ways in which you can use mindfulness to reshape your knee-jerk response to anxiety. Because no two worriers are exactly alike, this book has a little bit of something for everyone.
This Is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens and What Helpsby Faith G. Harper PhD
This audiobook acknowledges that while anxiety can be awful, there are moments where it can help keep you alert and alive. Dr. Faith looks at the various ways people cope with everyday anxiety, whether they are the occasional sufferer or burdened with it. This book is a good starting point for anyone wanting to brush up on their skills for optimal mental health. It helps you to identify when your anxiety is warranted and when it's gone overboard.
See it on Kobo here: